Sunday 18 April 2010

Why do I finally choose to be a blogger?

After all these years, I have finally set up a blog account. I never thought of blogging because I used to think blogging was for people with plenty of (disposable) time on their hands. Obviously, I was wrong. Sorry, my blogging fellows. Now I am putting my blogging prejudice aside and ready to embrace this technology. I am aiming to use blogging to improve my writing skill and thinking process. Being an academic, I need to write constantly, either a research proposal, a conference paper or a journal paper. Every time I try to write, I feel frustrated and fear. I feel frustrated about writing because it always takes me longer to say what I want to say, maybe, it is because English is not my native language. My mother tongue is Cantonese. I am fear of writing because I always scared of writing the 'wrong' things, using the 'wrong' words and presenting the 'wrong' arguments. These frustration and fear have constantly hindered my writing process. I am determined to be a better writer, a more eloquent writer! So, if any of you is reading my blog and has some goods tips on how to write eloquently, I would love to hear from you.


  1. You know what, Jas? It's the same for me, too, and English is my native language (well, a Northern Ireland version of it, anyway ;oD )

  2. Well, well... You BLOG! Of all the ex-schoolmates, you were the only one whom I knew that has a blog! I have/had one. But I can't seem to find the passion to update or to write. Uploading photos onto the blog is definitely a painful process to me! Anyway, to be, blogging is another way to win more! LoL... There are lots of blogging/blogger contests in Malaysia. So, with no blogs under me, I missed a chance to win in the blogging world.

    Anyway, do you need me to promote your blog to the world? I know a few blogger friends and you guys can exchange links :p

  3. you *are the only one whom I knew has a blog!

    Anyway, to *me,...

    Argh... I hate to post without proof read beforehand :p

    BTW, it's also time to be active on facebook. I know you have one but not sure what it is used for.
