Wednesday 12 May 2010

Why have I been slack?

It has been a while since I update my blog. I apologise to my followers out there. Life has been very hectic, with work and study. I just finished revising my literature review chapter. I did not go to bed until 2am the night before. At the same time, I have 80 assignments, 10 final year projects and 1 resubmitted thesis to mark. 20 more assignments are on the way (the assignment is due today). I work constantly, either on my teaching stuff or on my study. How do I manage? I guess I just keep ploughing. The more I put it (work) off, the more I have to do later. As my honours supervisors constantly said to me 'Just Do It'. She was and still is right. Sometimes you just have to 'Just Do It'. I hope Nike will not sue me for using their slogan, which they are going to ditch soon (I read it from a marketing magazine).

So, I finished revising my literature review chapter. I felt quite accomplished with myself. To reward my (self-claimed) accomplishment, I decided to have half-a-day off by visiting to the town centre. I needed to go my bank anyway. I needed to collect and activate my new bank card. In my previous blog, I mentioned that my replacement card was sent to Australia, an action from my bank which I could not fathom. I finally got my new, shiny bank card after a week. I must say, without my bank card, I actually spent less and managed to save some money. Also, it made me realised that I spent too much previously. I need to start saving money if I were to buy a property and settle down in UK. I know, I may be daydreaming. The properties in UK are so expensive. With my salary, I doubt I can even save enough for the deposit of a house, unless I won lotto or received a lump-sum inheritance from a multibillionaire relative. Of course, I do not have such relative. Enough of these daydreaming, I better get back to work. Now you know why I have been slack with my blogging!

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